Thank you for your incredible generosity!

Portland and friends of Vibe stepped up big time this holiday season. We were one of 174 nonprofits throughout Portland in the Willamette Week Give!Guide that raises year end funding for nonprofits and the Oregon Cultural Trust from November through New Years Eve.

The Give!Guide had a huge goal to raise $5 Million dollars in this year of all years - well beyond any previous giving totals. With 2020 being the year it was, it was one of those ‘anything could happen’ years so why not aim high for some amazing things to happen? And Portland stepped up - the Give!Guide raised $6.4 Million dollars between the 174 nonprofit organizations and the Oregon Cultural Trust. I am blown away by our community - we do live in an incredible place.

Vibe set out to raise $8,000 and we ended New Years Eve with $8,725 thanks to your support!

This funding will help us with programming and in how we move forward to provide arts education access to kids in our community.

With great appreciation and a heart of gratitude,

Laura Streib